Curriculum Vitae
E-mail:; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4134-557X
KEYWORDS: Plant Science, Remote sensing, Photogrammetry, Artificial Intelligence, LiDAR
University of Salamanca (Salamanca, SP)
International PhD in Cartographic Geotechnologies applied to Engineering and Energy. QUM LAUDE September 2016
'Low-cost Photogrammetry applied to Agro-forestry Engineering'
Master of science in Cartographic Geotechnologies applied to Engineering and Architecture June 2013
Project of Civil Engineering. QUM LAUDE March 2006
'Modeling a Pisuerga aquifer. Flow and management models (software development)'
Bachelor of science in Civil Engineering (Hydrology) May 2005
University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, SP)
Master of Education in Mathematics and Statistics Education June 2011
University Alfonso X (Madrid, SP)
Master in Civil Engineering June 2007
Project of Civil Engineering October 2007
'3D Image Modeling of the Seberetxe tunnel (Bilbao, SP)'
Andrés-Anaya, P.; Molada-Tebar, A.; Hernández-López, D.; Moreno, M.Á.; González-Aguilera, D.; Herrero-Huerta, M. 'Radiometric Improvement of Spectral Indices Using Multispectral Lightweight Sensors Onboard UAVs'. Drones 2024, 8, 36.
Herrero-Huerta, M., et al. (2023) 'Tree-level Fuel Connectivity to assess Crown Wildfire Potential by UAS-based Photogrammetry'.In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Egypt).
Herrero-Huerta, M., Gonzalez-Aguilera, D., & Yang, Y. (2023). 'Structural Component Phenotypic Traits from Individual Maize Skeletonization by UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry'. Drones, 7(2), 108. DOI: 10.3390/drones7020108.
Herrero-Huerta, M., Raumonen, P., and Gonzalez-Aguilera, D. (2022). '4DRoot: Root phenotyping software for temporal 3D scans by X-ray computed tomography'. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.986856.
Herrero-Huerta, M., Tardy, H., Morcillo-Sanz, A., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E. and Gonzalez-Aguilera, D. (2022). 'Grape Bunch Architecture by Low-Cost 3D Scanner'. 2022 Frutic, 14th International Symposium.
Herrero-Huerta, M., Meline, V., Iyer-Pascuzzi, A.S. et al. (2021). '4D Structural root architecture modeling from digital twins by X-Ray Computed Tomography'. Plant Methods 17, 123 (2021). DOI: 10.1186/s13007-021-00819-1.
Herrero-Huerta, M., Tolley, S., Tuinstra, M. R., and Yang, Y. (2021). 'Individual maize extraction from UAS imagery-based point clouds by 3D deep learning'. In Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping VI (Vol. 11747, p. 1174704). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Herrero-Huerta, M., Meline, V., Iyer-Pascuzzi, A. S., Souza, A. M., Tuinstra, M. R., and Yang, Y. (2021). 'Root phenotyping from X-ray Computed Tomography: skeleton extraction'. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B4-2021, 417–422. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B4-2021-417-2021, 2021
Herrero-Huerta, M., Bucksch, A., Puttonen, E. and Rainey, K. M. (2020) 'Canopy roughness: a new phenotypic trait to estimate above-ground biomass from unmanned aerial system'. Plant Phenomics. DOI: 10.34133/2020/6735967
Herrero-Huerta, M., Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P. and Rainey, K.M. (2020) 'Yield prediction by machine learning from UAS-based multi-sensor data fusion in soybean'. Plant Methods 16, 78. DOI: 10.1186/s13007-020-00620-6
Herrero-Huerta, M., Rahmani, S. R., and Rainey, K. M. (2020) 'Deep phenotyping considering tile drainage from UAS-based multispectral imagery by convolutional neural networks'. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2020, 417–421. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-417-2020
Sanchez-Aparicio, L.J., Herrero-Huerta, M., Esposito, R., Schipper, R. and González-Aguilera, D. (2019) 'Photogrammetric Solution for Analysis of Out-Of-Plane Movements of a Masonry Structure in a Large-Scale Laboratory Experiment'. Remote Sens, 11(16), 1871. DOI: 10.3390/rs11161871
Herrero-Huerta, M., Lagüela, S., Alfieri, S. M. and Menenti, M. (2019) 'Generating high-temporal and spatial resolution TIR data'. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.01.016
Herrero-Huerta, M. and K. M. Rainey. 'High Throughput Phenotyping of Physiological Growth Dynamics from UAS-Based 3D Modeling in Soybean'. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 4213 (2019): 357-361. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W13-357-2019
Herrero-Huerta, M., Govindarajan, S., Cherkauet, K. and Rainey, K. (2019) 'Triple S: A new tool for Soybean High Throughput Phenotyping from UAS-based Multispectral Imagery'. Proc. SPIE 11007, Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies XV, 110070K. DOI: 10.1117/12.2519376
Herrero-Huerta, M., Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P. and Lindenbergh, R. (2018) 'Automatic Tree Parameter Extraction by Mobile Lidar System in an Urban Context'. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196004
Herrero-Huerta, M., Lindenbergh, R. and Gard, W. (2018) 'Leaf Movements of indoor plants monitored by Terrestrial LiDAR'. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 189. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00189
Govindarajan, S., Herrero-Huerta, M. and Rainey, K.M. (2018) 'Extraction of Soybean Edges from UAS-based Multispectral Imagery'. In Annals of The Second International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (Colombia)
Herrero-Huerta, M., Lagüela, S., Alfieri, S. M., and Menenti, M. (2017) 'Generating high-temporal and spatial resolution TIR image data'. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W7, 737-741, DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W7-737-2017
Herrero-Huerta, M. and Lindenbergh, R., Posien, L. and Van Damme, M. (2016) 'Morphological Changes along a Dike Landside Slope by 4-D High Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning' In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, WGIII/2 (Czech Republic)
Van Damme, M., Posien, L. and Herrero-Huerta, M. (2016) 'Comparing overflow and wave-overtopping induced breach initiation mechanisms in an embankment breach experiment'. In Annals of the 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (France)
Shen, Y., Huang, T., Guo, X., Zang, Q. and Herrero-Huerta, M. (2016) 'An inversion method of Atmospheric Refraction Coefficient based on Trigonometric Leveling Network'. Journal of Surveying Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) SU.1943-5428.0000199
Herrero-Huerta, M., Felipe-García, B., Belmar-Lizarán, S., Hernández-López, D., Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, P. and González-Aguilera, D. (2016) 'Dense Canopy Height Model from a low-cost photogrammetric platform and LiDAR data'. Trees, 1-15
Lindenbergh, R. C., Berthold, D., Sirmacek, B., Herrero-Huerta, M., Wang, J. and Ebersbach, D. (2015) 'Automated large-scale parameter extraction of road-side trees sampled by a laser mobile mapping system'. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-3/W3 (France)
Herrero-Huerta, M. and Lindenbergh, R. C. (2015) 'Automatic Tree Breast Height Diameter Estimation from Laser Mobile Mapping Data in an Urban Context'. In Proceedings of Silvilaser (France)
Herrero-Huerta, M., González-Aguilera, D., Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P. and Hernández-López, D. (2015). 'Vineyard yield estimation by automatic 3D bunch modelling in field conditions'. Computers and electronics in agriculture, 110, 17-26
Herrero-Huerta, M., Hernández-López, D., Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P., González-Aguilera, D. and González-Piqueras, J. (2014). 'Vicarious radiometric calibration of a multispectral sensor from an aerial trike applied to precision agriculture'. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 108, 28-38
Under review
Herrero-Huerta, M., … Terryn, L., Calders, K. 'Quantifying Crown Morphology by 3D Detailed Forest Mapping using UAS-LiDAR in Tropical Forest'. In Process
Herrero-Huerta, M., Bucksch, A., Puttonen, E., Hollaus, M., Lindenbergh, R. and Pfeifer, N. 'Tree Bark roughness Index by automatic photogrammetic approaches.' In preparation
Software & Registered Intellectual Property
'TiF (Trees in Forest: Trees in Forest: individual tree trait extraction from forest point cloud)' (2023). R code
'4DRoot (Root phenotyping software for temporal 3D scans by X-ray computed tomography)' (2022). Matlab code
'Triple S (Statistical computing of Segmented Soybean visible and multispectral imagery)' (2018). Python code
'ATPE (Automatic Tree Parameter Extraction by laser mobile mapping system)' (2016). C++ code
'MULRACS (MULtispecpectral RAdiometric Calibration of different sensors)' (2015). GNU Octave code
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (SP) January 2025 – Never-ending
Position: Excellence researcher (RyC-Max). Department of Ecology. Desertification Research Centre (CIDE) (SP)
University of Padova (IT) June 2024 - December 2024
Position: Scientific researcher. CIRGEO (Interdepartmental Research Center of Geomatics). University of Padova (IT)
I+D Projects
Scientific Researcher:'Definizione di mappe di distribuzione di specie forestali in contesti futuri sceneri di cambiamento climatico', Grant number: CUP C23B24000000007. D.R.E.AM Italia. University of Padova (IT). 2024-2025
Co-Principal Investigator: 'From Forests to 3D Digital Models: training new generations on 3D geodata surveying and analysis (3DForTrain)'. The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Education and Capacity Building Initiative. Total funded: 10 k CHF. 2024
Principal Investigator: 'SIMFOREST: Digital Twin to simulate Forest Dynamics due to disturbances driven by Climate Change (Fires, Invasive Plants and Diseases)'. Provincial Council of Ávila (SP). Funded: 10 k. 2024
Research activities
Virtual Mobility at Institute of Plant Sciences & Genetics in Agriculture (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISRL) 'Review for hyperspectral time-series analysis of crop traits'. Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science, COST Action funded by the European Union. August 2024
Scientific organizing committee member of the workshop '9th Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture' (CVPPA) within the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Milano (IT). Sep 29-Oct 4th, 2024.
Scientific committee member of 'Beyond the canopy: technologies and applications of remote sensing'. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TCIII. International Workshop on Smart Forest. Belem (Brazil). 2024
University of Salamanca (SP) January 2022 – December 2023
Position: Distinguished researcher (Maria Zambrano contract). Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). Next generation EU. Requalification of the Spanish university system for 2021-2023
I+D Projects
Co-Principal Investigator: 'XTRACT: A Sustainable Ecosystem for the Innovative Resource Recovery and Complex Ore Extraction'. Grant number: 101138432. Total funded: 450 k EUR/ USAL: 22 k EUR. Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON). University of Salamanca (SP). 2023-2026
Principal Investigator: 'ASELID: Augmented reality to Social and Emotional Learning for people with Intellectual Disability'. Total funded: 166.1 k EUR/ USAL: 98.4 k EUR. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Next Generation EU). University of Salamanca (SP). 2023
Project Manager: 'CHAMELEON: a holistic approach to sustainable, digital EU Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Rural Development based on Reconfigurable Aerial Enablers and edge Artificial Intelligence-on-Demand Systems'. Grant number: 101060529. Total funded: 6 M EUR / USAL: 1.1 M EUR. European Union´s Horizon 2020. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022- 2023
Scientific Researcher: 'TREEADS: A holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters'. Grant number: 101036926. Total funded: 22.9 k EUR / USAL: 0.8 k EUR. European Union´s Horizon 2020. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022- 2023
International Congresses
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Oral presentation: 'Tree-level fuel connectivity to assess crown wildfire potential by UAS-based photogrammetry'. International Workshop on Smart Forest. Cairo (EGY). Sep, 2023
14th International FRUTIC Symposium. Oral presentation: 'Grape Bunch Architecture by Low-Cost 3D Scanner'. Valencia (SP). June, 2022
7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium 2022. Poster presentation: 'A low-cost gaming sensor-based phenotyping pipeline for greenhouse system production'. Wageningen (NL). September, 2022
2022 North American Plant Phenotyping Network Annual Conference. Oral presentation (Fast-Forward): 'Corn skeleton reconstruction by UAS-based Structure from Motion'. Virtual presence. February, 2022
Research activities
Short Term Scientific Mission at Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology lab (Ghent University, BE) 'Digital Forest by 3D Point Clouds plus RADAR info'. Three-dimensional Forest Ecosystem Monitoring and Better Understanding by Terrestrial-based Technologies, COST Action funded by the European Union. June 2023
Scientific organizing committee member of the workshop '8th Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture' (CVPPA) within the International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCP). Paris (FR). October 2-6th, 2023.
Topic editor: Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles (UGVs-UAVs) for Digital Farming (Participating Journals: Agriculture, Applied Sciences, Drones, Remote Sensing & Sensors (MDPI editorial))
4th International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture. Invited speaker: '4DRoot: a root phenotyping software for temporal 3D scans by X-Ray Computed Tomography'. Webinar. March, 2022
Teaching oriented
Instructor: '3D data capture and processing'. Degree in Engineering in Geoinformation and Geomatics. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2023-2024 (3 ETS = 30 h)
Master thesis tribunal in Cartographic Geotechnologies in Engineering and Architecture. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 second announcement
PhD thesis tribunal 'Remote Sensing assessment of land use and crop parameters in irrigated systems'. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, CEIGRAM, Madrid (SP). July 2023
Participation in the 8th International Conference on Higher Education Teaching (CINDU 2023). Online. June, 2023.
Instructor: 'Drones and their geomatic applications'. Degree in Engineering in Geoinformation and Geomatics. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 (3 ETS = 30 h)
Degree thesis supervised: 'Design project of the spillway in the San Martin river from Aviles (SP)'. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 (9 m)
Instructor: 'Cameras'. Master's Degree in Cartographic Geotechnologies in Engineering and Architecture. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 & 2023-2024 (1.5 ETS = 15 h)
Instructor: 'Laser and Radar'. Master's Degree in Cartographic Geotechnologies in Engineering and Architecture. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 & 2023-2024(1.5 ETS = 15 h)
Instructor: 'Environmental Engineering'. Degree inCivil Engineering. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2022-2023 (1.5 ETS = 15 h)
Instructor: 'Remote sensing for vineyard monitoring'. Master's Degree in Oenology and its adaptation to Climate Change. University of Salamanca (SP). 2021-2022 (1 ETS = 10 h) and 2022-2023 (1 ETS = 10 h)
Additional training
Generative artificial intelligence for creating applications. University of Salamanca (SP). 2023 (210 h)
Purdue University (IN, USA) January 2018 – December 2021
Position: Research Associate. The Institute for Plant Science, College of Agriculture. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2020-2021
Research Associate. Department of Agriculture. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2018-2020
I+D Projects
Project co-leader: 'Innovations in Proximal Sensing data processing pipelines to Crop Phenotyping'. Total funded: $45 k by Bayer AG.The Institute for Plant Science, College of Agriculture. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2020-2021
Co-Principal Investigator: 'Machine learning-based digital innovations for in-field corn phenotyping using aerial image-based point clouds: 'PhenoDrone' tool'. Total funded: $75 k. The Corn Phenotyping Endowment Research Grant sponsored by the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Agricultural Research and Graduate Education at Purdue University (USA). 2021
Co-Principal Investigator: 'Collaborating with a Purdue start-up to improve phenotyping accuracy for canopy architecture from UAS imagery using ploy-by-plot 3D modeling'. Total funded: $50 k. 2019 AgSEED. Agricultural Research and Extension Leading to Economic Development in Indiana Agriculture and Rural Communities. 2020
Research Associate: 'Pipelines in Close and Proximal Sensing to Plant Phenotyping'. The Institute for Plant Science, College of Agriculture. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2020-2021
Research Associate: 'Development of Analytical Tools for Drone-based Canopy Phenotyping in Crop Breeding (grant number: 17000419; WBSE: F.00068834.02.005)'. National Institute of Food and Agriculture; U.S. Department of Agriculture. Total funded: 410 k EUR. Department of Agriculture. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2018-2020
International Congresses
XXIV International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress. Interactive Poster Presentation: 'Root phenotyping by X-Ray Computed Tomography'. International Workshop on Digital Twins. Digital Edition. July, 2021
2021 North American Plant Phenotyping Network Annual Conference. Oral presentation (Genomes to Fields Workshop) & Poster presentation: 'Structural Root Modeling from digital twins by X-Ray Computed Tomography'. Virtual event. February, 2021
SPIE. Defense + commercial sensing. Oral presentation: 'Individual maize extraction from UAS imagery-based point clouds by 3D deep learning'. Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping VI. Virtual event. April, 2020
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Oral presentation: 'Deep phenotyping by UAS-based Multispectral Imagery'. International Workshop on Precision Farming. Virtual Conference. August, 2020
Phenome 2020. Oral presentation: 'Biomass estimation from UAS Point Cloud-based Structure from Motion (SfM) in Soybean. Tucson (AR, USA). February, 2020
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Oral presentation: 'High throughput phenotyping from UAS-based 3D modeling'. International Workshop on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics. Twente (The Netherlands). June, 2019
SPIE. Defense + commercial sensing. Oral presentation: 'Deep phenotyping by UAS-based imagery'. Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies XV. Baltimore (MA, USA). April, 2019
Commercial UAV Expo America. Oral presentation: 'Innovative Tools for High Throughput Phenotyping by UAS data'. Drone Industry Visionaries: University Lightning Round. Las Vegas (NV, USA). October, 2018
Research activities
Invited speaker: '4D Root Modeling by X-Ray Computed Tomography'. Phenomics: the Systematic Study of Phenotypes. Fall 2021 Seminar series. University of Iowa (USA). Online. November 12th, 2021
Collaborator Researcher in the multi‐state initiative: 'Genomes To fields: Predicting Performance in variable environments'. Co-lead: Natalia de Leon (University of Wisconsin, USA). September 2020 – December 2021
Board Member at JCR journals: Frontiers and Plants (MDPI)
Invited speaker: 'Biomass modeling of Soybean by Convolutional Neural Networks from UAS imagery'. Southern Regional Research Center, USDA ARS. New Orleans (LO, USA). November 12th, 2019
Scientific committee member of 'The Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing'. International Workshop on Laser Scanning. Twente (The Netherlands). 2019
Scientific committee member of 'The International CIPA Symposium'. Avila (SP). 2019
Invited speaker: 'Deep Phenotyping in Crops by Photogrammetry'. Polytechnic School from Avila. University of Salamanca (SP). January 2nd, 2019
Invited speaker: 'Photogrammetry & Computer Vision applied to Crop Phenomics'. Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics. University of Georgia (GE, USA). November 28th, 2018
Collaboration-stay at the Computational Plant Science lab. University of Georgia (GE, USA). November, 2018
Software Developer: 'Open-source software for high throughput plant phenotyping'. University of Georgia (GE, USA). 2018
Teaching oriented & Additional training
Certificate of 'Foundations in College Teaching'. Purdue University (IN, USA). January, 2019. 1,5 ETC.
Master thesis co-supervised: 'Multispectral Imagery Analysis'. Vellore Institute of Technology (India). June-July, 2018
'Mixed Models Applied to Genetic Selection in Plant and Livestock Species'. Purdue University (IN, USA). 2019 (3 d)
'Field Phenotyping of Soybean'. Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center, Agronomy Center for Research and Education (IN, USA). 2018 (3 mths)
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) (NL) February 2015 – December 2017
Position: PosdoctoralResearcher. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015-2017
I+D Projects
Research Associate: 'Smart Irrigation from soil Moisture forecast using satellite and hydro-meteorological modelling (SIM) (WaterJPI-JC-2015-12)'. H2020. Total funded: 1175 k EUR / TU Delft: 227 k EUR. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2016-2017
Postdoctoral Researcher: 'Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services (MOSES)'. H2020-EU.3.5.4. Total funded: 4249 k EUR / TU Delft: 950 k EUR. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2016-2017
Research Collaborator: 'Physical testing and modelling – Masonry structures (project no. C31B61)'. Funded by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2017
Research Collaborator: 'TU Delft large scale testing campaign 2016 (project no. C31B67)'. Funded by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2016
Principal Investigator: 'Analysis in rainforest by terrestrial low-cost photogrammetry using computer vision approaches and deep learning (Sulawesi, Indonesia)'. Total funded: 10 k EUR. KNAW Academy Ecology Fund (The Netherlands). April- June 2017
Research Assistant: 'IQmulus: A High-volume Fusion and Analysis Platform for Geospatial Point Clouds, Coverages and Volumetric Data Sets (FP7-ICT-2011-318787)'. Total funded: 10922 k EUR / TU Delft: 750 k EUR. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015-2016
International Congresses
Nederlands Centrum voor Geodesie en Geo-informatica symposium. Oral presentation: 'Tree bark roughness index by fully automatic photogrammetic approaches'. TU Delft (The Netherlands). November, 2017
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Oral presentation: 'Generating high-temporal and spatial resolution TIR image data'. International Workshop on Image and Data Fusion. Wuhan (China). September, 2017
The terrestrial laser scanning revolution in forest ecology. Oral presentation: 'Circadian Rhythms of indoor plants based on photogrammetric deep learning'. London (United Kingdom). February, 2017
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing conference. Poster presentation: 'Morphological Changes along a Dike Landside Slope by 4-D High Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning'. International Workshop on Geo-technologies. Prague (Czech Republic). July, 2016
Living Planet Symposium. Poster presentation: 'Evaluating Vegetation Index Mapping over a Vineyard from an Alternative Low-Cost Platform'. European Spatial Agency (ESA). Prague (Czech Republic). May, 2016
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Oral presentation: 'Automated large-scale parameter extraction of road-side trees sampled by a laser mobile mapping system'. International Workshop on Geo-Big data. La Grande Motte (France). September, 2015
Geospatial Week of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Poster presentation: 'Automatic tree parameter estimation by Mobile LiDAR System in an urban context'. SilviLAser. La Grande Motte (France). September, 2015
Research activities
Invited speaker: 'Image fusion in thermal spectrum'. Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China). October 2nd, 2018
Collaboration-stay as invited researcher at the Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China). September, 2017
Participation at 'International benchmarking on terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) methods for forestry'. EuroSDR test of Commission II. Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (Finland). September, 2015
Teaching oriented
Teaching Assistant: 'Geostatistics & Remote Sensing'. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015-2016 (100 h), 2016-2017 (100 h)
Teaching Assistant: 'Integrated assignment: Geology, Geophysics & Remote Sensing'. Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015-2016 (75 h)
Master thesis co-supervised: 'Hydrological modeling using thermal remote sensing data in the Heihe river basin'. Politecnico di Milano (Italy). 2017 (1.5 m)
Master thesis supervised: 'Tree bark roughness index by Terrestrial LiDAR'. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2017 (3 m)
Master thesis supervised: 'Circadian rhythms of plants by Terrestrial LiDAR'. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2016 (3 m)
Additional training
'Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain (Austria)'. Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2017 (6 d)
'EduServ: 3D City Modelling, RADAR, Oblique Aerial Camera System and Forest Modelling'. KU Leuven Public Governance Institute (Belgium). 2017 (500 h)
'Computer Vision'. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015 (300 h)
'Management of massive point cloud data: wet and dry'. TU Delft (The Netherlands). 2015 (60 h)
University of Salamanca (SP) September 2011 - January 2015
Position: Research Assistant. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2013-2014
I+D Projects
Principal Investigator: 'Terrestrial Photogrammetry applied to Precision Viticulture'. Total funded: 5 k EUR. Doctor TCUE Award: University-company knowledge transfer. University of Salamanca (SP). 2015
Guest Researcher: 'Augmented reality to Social and Emotional Learning for people with Intellectual Disability (ASELID)'. Vision System Group. Department of Computer Science. Dublin City University (Ireland). June-August, 2014
Guest Researcher: 'Energy and Radiative Transfer Models in Agronomic Scenarios by Hyperspectral Imaging'. Institute for Regional Development of Castilla-La Mancha (SP). September-November, 2013
Research Assistant: 'ENergetic modeling for SMART cities (ENSMART)'. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Total funded: 800 k EUR / USAL: 240 k EUR. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). 2013-2014
Research Assistant: 'Gaming sensors based on photogrammetry applied to pattern recognition by Computer Vision'. PROYESTEGAL, S.L. University of Vigo (SP). Total funded: 250 k EUR. 2012
Iberdrola Cathedra Grant: 'Automation of Point Cloud Data (PCD) processing by low-cost sensors'. Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering. University of Salamanca (SP). Total funded 100 k EUR. 2011-2012
Research activities & Additional training
TIDOP Research Group member: 'Geomatic Technologies for the 3D digitalization and modelling of complex objects'. University of Salamanca (SP). 2011-Currently
'Certification in Energy Efficiency'. Eren (SP). 2012 (105 h)
'Management of processes for CO2-free based on Smart Technologies. Ciemat (SP). 2012 (85 h)
'Remote sensing and geographic information systems applied to viticulture, GVsig'. Enosat (SP). 2012 (210 h)
'Course in Coordinator in Occupational Health and Safety'. Marpell (SP). 2011 (200 h)
'V Conference in Smart Cities'. Higher Polytechnic University of Madrid (SP). 2010 (40 h)
'Course in Territorial and Urban Planning with GIS and River Modeling'. University of Granada (SP). 2008 (170 h).
Nechi Engineering: Projects, Augmented Reality and Software development. Barcelona, SP (2011)
Urbe Enginova: Project Design at the Department of Civil Construction. Barcelona, SP (2010)
Oquendo Engineers: Construction, Supervision and Energy Audits. Mallorca, SP (2009)
Prointec: Project Design at the Department of Geospatial Applications for Civil Construction. Madrid, SP (2007-2008)
Windows, Office, Linux; Programming languages: R, Matlab, Python, C++; Code editor: Visual Studio, Spider, Jupiter Notebook, Anaconda Prompt; Computer vision & Photogrammetry: Point Cloud Library (PCL), OpenCV, LAStools, Visual SFM, CloudCompare, Meshroom, Regard3D; Commercial photogrammetry software: Pix4D, WebODM, Agisoft PhotoScan, Photomodeler
Artificial Intelligent: TensorFlow, Pytorch, Keras, Deepnet; Image analysis: Osgeo4w, Ncorr, ERDAS, ENVI, ImageJ, PlantCV, Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL); Geographic Information Systems: QGis, Gvsig, Arcgis
CAD Modeling: MeshLab, Geomatic Spark, Geomatic Studio; Computer Drawing: Microstation SE, AutoCAD; 3D Design: 3dsMax, Photoshop, SketchUp
Hydrogeology and Hydrology: Modflow, Hidrobass, Hec- Ras, Mike11, Iber; Energy Efficiency: Lider, Calener VYP, Calener GT
Structures: CYPE; Cost management software for construction: Presto; Linear Projects: Ispol-Istram, Novapoint, Cadna