applied to Plant Science
Maize extraction from UAS imagery-based point clouds
LiDAR data in Forestry
Individual maize skeletonization by UAS
Root phenotyping by X-Ray
Soybean heights by Structure from Motion
Terrestrial image-based modeling
3D forestry mapping from UAS imagenery
Berry characterization by low-cost scanner
Civil Engineering with a PhD entitled 'Close-Range Photogrammetry applied to Agroforestry Engineering' from the Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering, University of Salamanca (SP, 2016). Postdoctoral studies from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) in the department of Geosciences and Remote Sensing (2015-2017). Research staff member at Purdue University for the Institute for Plant Science, College of Agriculture (IN, USA) (2018-2021). Distinguished researcher at the University of Salamanca (SP) (2022-2023). Scientific Researcher at CIRGEO (Interdepartmental Research Center of Geomatics) from the University of Padua (IT) (2024). Currently, Excellence Researcher (RyC-Max) at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (SP), in the Department of Ecology from the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE).
Her research aims to advance the cross-disciplinary
generation of plant scientists and engineers.
Her interests to date have
been focused primarily on close-range hyperspectral photogrammetry and LiDAR by
alternative platforms and specifically in computer vision and deep learning
analysis by multi-sensor data fusion applied to plant science.
Keywords: Photogrammetry, Artificial Intelligence, Laser Scanning, 3D Modeling, Plant Science.
3D Rendering
3D Rendering, Image Processing and Data Fusion
Software development
Software development to specific solutions
Design and Drafting
Design and Drafting of I+D Projects
- From Forests to 3D Digital Models: training new generations on 3D geodata surveying and analysis (3DForTrain). The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Education and Capacity Building Initiative. 2024
- SIMFOREST: Digital Twin to simulate Forest Dynamics due to disturbances driven by Climate Change (Fires, Invasive Plants and Diseases). Provincial Council of Ávila (SP). 2024
- XTRACT: A Sustainable Ecosystem for the Innovative Resource Recovery and Complex Ore Extraction. HORIZON. 2022
- ASELID: Augmented Reality to Social and Emotional Learning for people with Intellectual Disability. Next Generation EU. 2022
CHAMELEON: a holistic approach to sustainable, digital EU Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Rural Development based on Reconfigurable Aerial Enablers and edge Artificial Intelligence-on-Demand Systems. HORIZON. 2022
- TREEADS: A holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters. H2020. 2022
- Experiments for corn
breeding in the Controlled Environment Phenotyping Facility. 2021 (Bayer, USA).
- Machine Learning-based digital innovations for in-field phenotyping. 2021 (Bayer, USA)
- Innovations in Close and Proximal Sensing data processing pipelines to Crop Phenotyping. 2020 (USA)
- Development
of Analytical Tools
for Drone-based
Canopy Phenotyping in Crop Breeding. 2018 (USA)
Physical testing and modelling - Masonry structures. 2017 (The Netherlands)
- Smart Irrigation from Soil Moisture Forecast
using Satellite and Hydro-meteorological Modelling. 2016 (The Netherlands)
- Managing Crop Water Saving with Enterprise Services. 2016 (The Netherlands)
- A High-volume Fusion and Analysis Platform for Geospatial Point Clouds, Coverages and Volumetric Data Sets. 2015 (UE)
- Radiative Transfer Models in Agronomic Scenarios by Hyperspectral Imaging. 2014 (Spain)
- Augmented reality to Social and Emotional Learning for people with Intellectual Disability. 2014 (Ireland)
- Energetic 3D Modeling for Smart Cities. 2013 (Spain)