Structural Component Phenotypic Traits from Individual Maize Skeletonization by UAS-Based Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry


Herrero-Huerta, M., Gonzalez-Aguilera, D., & Yang, Y. (2023). Structural Component Phenotypic Traits from Individual Maize Skeletonization by UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry. Drones, 7(2), 108.

The bottleneck in plant breeding programs is to have cost-effective high-throughput phenotyping methodologies to efficiently describe the new lines and hybrids developed. In this paper, we propose a fully automatic approach to overcome not only the individual maize extraction but also the trait quantification challenge of structural components from unmanned aerial system (UAS) imagery.

The experimental setup was carried out at the Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center at the
Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) inWest Lafayette (IN, USA). On 27 July and
3 August 2021, two flights were performed over maize trials using a custom-designed UAS platform
with a Sony Alpha ILCE-7R photogrammetric sensor onboard. RGB images were processed using a
standard photogrammetric pipeline based on structure from motion (SfM) to obtain a final scaled 3D point cloud of the study field. Individual plants were extracted by, first, semantically segmenting
the point cloud into ground and maize using 3D deep learning. Secondly, we employed a connected
component algorithm to the maize end-members. Finally, once individual plants were accurately
extracted, we robustly applied a Laplacian-based contraction skeleton algorithm to compute several structural component traits from each plant. The results from phenotypic traits such as height and number of leaves show a determination coefficient (R2) with on-field and digital measurements, respectively, better than 90%.

Our test trial reveals the viability of extracting several phenotypic traits of individual maize using a skeletonization approach on the basis of a UAS imagery-based point cloud. As a limitation of the methodology proposed, we highlight that the lack of plant occlusions in the UAS images obtains a more complete point cloud of the plant, giving more accuracy in the extracted traits.

Monica Herrero-Huerta, Unversity of Padova (IT)
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